The next generation of gaming competition and content is

The platform that incubates this future gives gamers opportunities to connect – and build a more entrenched community
and more electrifying competitive experience than ever offered.

ClassicsGG is a gaming collective. Competition, content creation,
community – ClassicsGG is home for those who live and breathe gaming.

Our “Classic” namesake and iconography represent our dedication to both the preservation of accessible competition, and the progression of gaming culture.
The race to tout exclusivity, prestige, and unattainability by modern gaming organisations has led to an unsavoury reality – they’ve become too cool for their audience.
ClassicsGG is the herald of exclusive inclusivity. We believe that passionate gamers from all walks of life should have the opportunity to compete in high-stakes competition, and have the ability to unite with like-minded gamers and creators.


A gaming collective founded with a relentless passion for video games and a grand objective: Fostering the most accessible platform for gamers to connect and compete.


To foster, connect, and ignite the world’s largest gaming competition and community.